to read everything in here... i tend to get carried away, but that's okay because i do not want to forget one moment of this experience

Sunday, May 18, 2008

day 20

Tradition has it, that sunday meals in iasi are made together as an apartment, alternating each week between the meal and the dessert, with the girls from scala.

Today, we had the dessert - today i was in charge of making it. it was a fruit pizza and it was yummy. we all ate a lot; annie's chicken, broccoli, and french fries, and my pizza.

This was a mistake.


Well little did we know that today sora genovieva was in charge of cooking for the district, and little did we know that she planned on having us join the missionaries... until we got a call from them, inviting us to her house. we had just finished eating our little hearts out at scala and decided that all nine of us should go because if she were to offer food, it would have to be small portions because there were so many of us.

Upon arrival, we thought we were okay because when we got there, she made the elders leave to go buy some more bread... (yes it is sunday here, but we like to roll with the punches)

We were wrong.

I have never felt so full in my life... no joke i was gagging on course three - and not because it was yucky, because it was foarte buna, but i just could not swallow... elder mielke was our coach talking to us about different experiences he has had with romanian women and food and how we just need to eat it. yikes. (it is moments like this that we are glad other people can not understand what we are saying - or that we have a cunning elder that translated our, "come on girls, this odd meatball thing with chunks in is not that bad tasting." or "i think i am going to puke" into, "they love your food and are so appreciative")

All the while, sora geneoviva (pictured right, with her son) was running around refilling our bowls and bringing out the next round. she was moving so quick she spilled a whole bowl of beans on melissa's shoulder... at the same time, her handicapped son (who we love) ionuts was listening to romanian techno music really loud and playing an intense game of tic tac toe with elder barclay...

O, and did i mention, that it was about a bijillion degrees, well more like 85 with 60% humidity... o, and that she was feeding us really hot soups and this beans in gravy stuff, and some sort of meatball in gravy stuff?

True story.

I feel like i will never be able to eat again.

But, when all is said and done: it was a really funny experience and definitely one that we will laugh over for a while. and most importantly, sora genovieva is amazing, and so sweet to have made that for us and opened her cute little apartment to us. i am sewing her a card right and we are going to bring her one of those framed jesus pictures with flowers tomorrow to thank her.

Sundays are still my favorite days.