suntem fiice ale unui tata ce ne iubeste si noi pe el. il iubim.
sunday, was a great fast and testimony meeting in the branch. i wasn't positive, but i was planning on bearing my testimony if there was a lot of quiet time like there has been in the past, but this week was different. romanian after romanian got up and bore the their simple testimonies full of faith. there was no need for me to talk, and i am actually glad, because one sora towards the end mentioned how proud she was of the branch that they could have a testimony meeting with out the americans doing most the talking :) that felt good. they are going to be alright, i know it.
so, the hospital is full of children... not many babies, but lots of children
there is this one boy samson (p.s. i love that name) who will not talk... all he does is cry and call for his mommy. it is heartbreaking. anyways, it took me a while to get him to allow me to hold him.. i think the bag of legos and bubbles helped. so, i was holding him and playing legos with him and talking to another mom in the room. she spoke english really well and she was super nice.. she told me a sad story about samson and why she thought he wasn't talking to anyone today. there is another orphan in the room who is about 14 months. i guess earlier today for no reason samson got out of his bed and went over to the other girl and starting beating her fervently. the nurses ran in and reprimanded him in the same manner. i then understood why he doesn't look people in the eye, or respond when they talk to them.
second hospital story of the evening: ali, remember that one time that i was so mad at you, i wanted to hit you... but before any punches were thrown we were both on the ground laughing? well take out the second half and that is how mad i was today at this gypsie woman. i recognized her right away and kept giving her dirty looks at she followed us from room to room. in one room and kept talking to me and was just being straight up rude.. she kept asking for money and when i told her that i didn't have any she called me a liar. then she asked why i was even there. i told her i was there to take care of the orphans. her reply was i am an orphan, give me money. o, i was so mad.. she was so sleezy and rotten. she then when on to ask us if we had boyfriends and started saying gross things.. i havent been this angry in a long time, and i don't think i have ever given anyone as dirty of a look as i gave her... but it made her quit talking. it is just really frustrating dealing with the gypsies because they have been raised to be rude, and disrespectful, and manipulative. but even still most of them respect the work that we are doing there, and leave us alone, but there are the few that really get to me. anyways, i think i might be venting now.. i am actually a lot calmer than i was earlier. i don't like feeling angry, but i dont like rude people that are mean to me and my kids.
fhe was really fun tonight. we read the giving tree which is one of my favorite books ever.. so now i am happy.
o and the picture above has nothing to do with anything, but i like it.
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